Las Vegas Market Watch
How do you build trust and get business from your website & social media?
98% of all marketing dollars are being spent on — Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Google+, Instagram, LinkedIn, and Pinterest.
Why? Because it works - over time.
It takes time to make your social media strategy perform for a return on your investment of time and advertising dollars. The 7 major platforms are constantly changing their strategies and it takes time to catch up and keep up. Start out with a simple strategy.
Agents should focus on one simple strategy instead of shifting all the time because of FOMO – Fear Of Missing Out.
STRATEGY #1- Reach Your Target Audience
It is a noisy social media world so strategy is important.
- Your website is filled with factual content which does not change that much because facts change slowly. This is a predicable consequence of factual patterns. However, the monthly market blogs and videos add fresh information and entertainment.
- Sharing fresh information is valuable because it is being seen and shared thus increasing it’s economic return value. The economic return value is realized when a buyer or seller or past client contacts you. So, to increase your economic value you must continue to build your audience. Dale Carnegie said that every person knows 250 people and that was before social media.
- You need to nurture your audience by consistently sharing your fresh content. As agents you have a great advantage because your audience is a niche audience. Your audience is interested in Las Vegas real estate. It is so important to build trust with your audience through consistent communication with interesting, entertaining information. A strategy that builds trust is consistency. That is why your website emails your blog monthly with links to your website, your Agent Profile Video, and Facebook, linkedin, or other social media sites that you update on a regular basis. And then you should post your blog to your Facebook page! We will show you how to import your lab database into Facebook for targeted boosting and advertising.
Take the time to import your database into your lab so your database will be emailed consistently with fresh information. An agent just shared with us that he sold a client’s home two years ago and put that client into his database. He recently received a call from an unknown buyer who was recommended by that client. When he called his client to thank her, she thanked him for the informative emails that she had received for the past two years.
If you need assistance importing your database,
please call Cain at 702-990-0480 and he will assist you over the phone
or you can make an appointment to meet with him in person.
We will be sharing Facebook strategies at our monthly meetings so please join us.
We will show you how to import your lab database into Facebook for targeted boosting and advertising.
AND....Check out the Agent Profile Videos for self promotion.
You can put your video on the Front Page of your Website, YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, and your Zillow profile.
Use the link as part of your email signature!